Tales of berseria eleanor fashion
Tales of berseria eleanor fashion

There is also some rampant DLC, probably over $100 worth, including some pay-to-win stuff but also a lot of cosmetic items to buy. The game also lacks good puzzles, there are a few but they are rare and only one was halfway stimulating to solve. And often they seemed poorly balanced, only challenging because they could deal crazy damage in a few shots randomly. For all of that complexity, you can get by with button mashing in normal difficulty, I only had to use the slightest bit of strategy when fighting the optional (red icon) challenge monsters. Perhaps the biggest problem with the game is its combat system, which is complicated to the point that you're still getting tutorials on it hours into the game. That might not satisfy everyone but for a fun JRPG it worked for me. The game runs fine, I think, hitting a rock-solid 60 FPS (which is its cap) on my mid-range PC. It's a balance that is perhaps confusing if you don't watch a lot of anime, but it worked for me. The story has a dark tone to it, but the "skits" (many of them optional) are often quite numerous or even heartwarming. The story was the strongest part for me, sure there's portions of RPG filler, but the core story is emotionally moving in places, in a way that few games are. The graphics are pleasing to the eye, if a bit cheap in places.

tales of berseria eleanor fashion

The story has a dark tone to it, but the "skits" (many of them optional) are often quite numerous or even Tales of Berseria is a modern JRPG that's pretty satisfying. Tales of Berseria is a modern JRPG that's pretty satisfying. If you like action games and good stories, you cannot pass this up. If you don't like anime, you can pass this up but I very very strongly encourage you not to. If you like anime, you cannot pass this up. If you like jrpgs, you cannot pass this up. (I dislike extremely difficult puzzles but when they're very easy like in this game its hard to really even call them puzzles) There are also a fair amount of things to do other than the main story (which is rather long.) Overall, if you like Tales games. The only thing I thought that could use work in this game was the dungeons since the puzzles were very lacking in thought. The gameplay switches it up from your average Tales game, but I never got tired of it. In fact, it may make you start to like anime like the previous Tales games (Symphonia and Abyss) have done to me. (I am also a kingdom hearts and YS fan.) If you like anime, or even if you don't like anime, there's still an 80% chance you will like this game. Also, if you, like me, love action gameplay rather than turn based gameplay, this should be ridiculously high on your radar.

tales of berseria eleanor fashion

If you, like me, play jrpgs mainly for the story, this game should be very high on your radar. The story is amazing, and the characters compliment the story very well. Tales of Berseria was done very very right, in fact, it has replaced Tales of Vesperia as my favorite Tales game.

tales of berseria eleanor fashion

If you, like me, play jrpgs mainly for the story, this game should be very high on your radar.Īlso, if you, like When Tales games are done right, they are always my favorite video game series. When Tales games are done right, they are always my favorite video game series.

Tales of berseria eleanor fashion